Co-operative Funding Program

Co-operative Funding Program: For Members & Sales Reps

Many of the Sales Representatives have become concerned about the costs they incur while attending the Midwest Buy Mart in Saskatoon.

Consider trying to see if your Manufacturer would be willing to help you with your booth costs.

Each of you is responsible for the complete payment of charges you have during the Buy Mart. However, attached is a copy of a letter (make extras if needed) that asks your Manufacturer to send $100.00, payable to the Midwest Buy Mart.  Upon receipt of the monies, we will transfer these “$100.00 credits” directly to your account and issue you a check, at show time, for the total of your Manufacturer’s “credits”.  We will also email you a copy of this letter.

John Smith – Show charges $682.50 (G.S.T. included)
Manufacturers “Credits” 3 x $100.00 -$300.00
Rebate $382.50 Net Cost  

It is up to you to forward the letter(s) to your firms. We will do the paperwork and issue you the refund cheque. 

Download PDF’s here:  

SALES REP Co-operative Funding Program Letter (PDF)


All lines will be listed in the Buyers Guide whether the companies pay the requested monies or not. This Co-operative Funding Program has worked for others in the past. Give it a try!  

Advertising in the Buyers Guide will also be available.  

Buyer’s Guide Advertising Program